Sunday, October 17, 2010

The number plate

My new car

Getting lost!

There is one main road that runs parallel to the coast line and everyone says you can't get lost in Oman... Well, I can and I do!!! What they don't tell you is that all the little roads off the beaten track look the same! There are no signs, no landmarks, nothing! You can find yourself driving for miles just to get back on to the main road!! Coupled with the fact I'm driving on the wrong side of the road, and the fact that Omani drivers beep you all the time, makes matters ten times worse!! On three occasions I've had to be escorted home!!!

But a car is essential! We are a good 10 minute drive from anywhere, the sun is hot and there doesn't appear to be any public transport!

The good news is cars are really cheap to run and less expensive to purchase compared to UK prices. Most people drive a big 4 x 4 for off road adventures. I've decided, though, it's best for me to hire a driver (or friend) when I venture off road, as it's hard enough for me to focus on the road!!! Focus being the operative word.... I've bought a Ford Focus (from a salesman called Henry!) Quite funny, me being a Ford and all that!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Regis School... A BIG HELLO!

So, so sorry I haven't emailed you all yet? Steph, I tried to email you but it bounced right back? Email, please? Lucy, please give me your email address so we can stay in touch! Dan, where are you? Elliot, have you forgotten me already??? The following have left me their emails and I just haven't got round to writing yet... Sorry! My love to Paige, Adzy, Molly, Tom, Michael, Beth, Nicky, Brooke,Adam, Hannah, Billy,Lucy, Bethany, Katie, Terry, Ruby, Sophie, Sam Rhys, Laura, Dawid, "kempyisdabest", Dan, Gemma, Kristi, Emily, Lily, Georgia, Patrick, Cam, Andrew, Holly, Jade, Kathryn, Dan, Lucia, Liam, Miles, Leanne, Jamie, Stef, Elli, Adam, Rhiannon and Ellie. (Not forgetting the staff) Please email me first on  because I'd love to hear from you xxx

A touch of Culture!

I get on really well with a lady, called Jane, who knows Oman really well , and she has helped me a lot. Last weekend we went to the most prestigious hotel, called the Al Bastan Palace, for an evening of Spanish dancing, music and song. The whole experience was simply stunning and a few days ago we went to the wonderful Bait Muzna Art Gallery, to the private view of Nja Mahdaoui. His work is absolutely stunning and although he was born in Tunisia and studied in Italy and France, he is influenced by Arabic calligraphy. Amazing work! I absolutely loved it! He has work is all over the world, including the British Museum, and we had the pleasure of meeting him. He even gave us a personalised print!! He couldn't speak a word of English and his daughter became our translator! His website is  How lucky I felt!

The Children

The children here are delightful! Really polite and full of enthusiasm. They seem to like me but I'm not sure how I'm going to remember all their names??! My art room is new so lacks resources, and I know it will take a while to create a vibrant working environment. There is a wealth of natural forms around the campus and it's good to see our gardeners using fallen palm leaves as brooms in the morning!

Missing Home!

Well, it had to come sooner or later... I'm missing home! I'm missing Jaron, my family, close friends, the love and familiarity at BRCC and watching Arsenal on Sky Sports! Getting things organised here is taking time and trying to stay in control of UK stuff is near impossible. I struggle to email everyone important in my life. And moving out here is costing me a fortune!! Last week I cried.